Cool Kids

The Cool Kids and Chilled anxiety programs are for children and their families and aim to develop skills to manage anxiety better. Cool Kids is for children aged 7-12, and Chilled is for teenagers aged 12-17. The program runs over ten sessions and incorporates Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to provide understanding and skills to overcome anxiety. The program has undergone continual scientific evaluation and development to include the latest understanding of anxiety and its treatment. Current results indicate that most young people who complete our programs show significant improvement. Following treatment, there are marked increases in school attendance, academic achievement, confidence, number of friends and involvement in extra-curricular activities and decreases in worry, shyness, fear and family distress. Topics covered include:

  • learning about feelings and anxiety
  • learning to think more realistically
  • parenting an anxious child
  • fighting fear by facing fear (exposure)
  • learning other coping skills, such as building social confidence and learning to solve problems.

Children and young people who complete the Cool Kids and Chilld programs show positive mental health outcomes and improved quality of life; approximately 60-75% of children who complete Cool Kids or Chilled are disorder free after treatment.