Contact Us

Contact Us

108 Wentworth Street PORT KEMBLA NSW 2505


8am to 6pm

Administration Staff

Tamara Bailey

Rachel Touzel

Claire Tindale-Penning

108 Wentworth Street PORT KEMBLA NSW 2505

Initial Inquiry



Please note we currently have a waitlist for Speech and OT.  
If you still require information please complete the following form and one of our administration team members will contact you as soon as possible with wait times and any further paperwork.

Contact Form:

Therapy Required:*

8 + 11 =

One of our administration team members will contact you as soon as possible with wait times and any further paperwork.

Initial Inquiry



Please note we currently have a waitlist for Speech and OT. 
If you still require information please complete the following form and one of our administration team members will contact you as soon as possible with wait times and any further paperwork

Contact Form:

Therapy Required:*

4 + 9 =

One of our administration team members will contact you as soon as possible with wait times and any further paperwork.

Feedback Form

What therapy does your child attend?

How do you prefer to receive communications from us:

15 + 13 =

Any requests to be contacted regarding the feedback provided will be actioned within 3 business days

Thankyou for taking the time to complete the feedback form. If you would like to speak with us regarding anything further, please contact us on (02) 4204 9399 or email

Feedback Form

What therapy does your child attend?

How do you prefer to receive communications from us:

15 + 4 =

Any requests to be contacted regarding the feedback provided will be actioned within 3 business days

Thankyou for taking the time to complete the feedback form. If you would like to speak with us regarding anything further, please contact us on (02) 4204 9399 or email