by cksouthcoast | Sep 16, 2021 | Speech Pathology
If you have a child aged 0-5 who has difficulties communicating, such as not using many words or difficulties understanding your instructions, they may need additional support at home to help them develop these skills. These skills will allow them to request their...
by cksouthcoast | Sep 16, 2021 | Speech Pathology
Ugh homework – who’s kid rolls their eyes or gets frustrated if you say the dreaded ‘h’ word. We get it, homework can be boring. However, in relation to therapy – its super important. As your child makes progress in therapy, it is important to continue to build on...
by cksouthcoast | Aug 16, 2021 | Speech Pathology
The ability to have a conversation with another person is a seemingly simple aspect of life and social interaction that we can take for granted. Conversations are an important skill that help build meaningful relationships, give and receive emotional support, work...
by cksouthcoast | Aug 16, 2021 | Speech Pathology
COVID, Waiting Lists and Getting the Best Therapy As recently as July this year, there has been discussion in the media about the shortage of Speech Pathologists and lengthening waiting lists (Allison, 2021). It was suggested that many children are waiting up to 18...
by cksouthcoast | Feb 4, 2020 | Speech Pathology
This is a common question that we often find diligent parents asking when they walk through the doors at Capable Kids. The simple answer is they are here because they are trying to do the best by their child and they have realised or been told by someone that their...